What are CAPTCHAgirls?


In a world where current technology is becoming more constrictive and devoid of expression, the discovery of CAPTCHAgirls was made! ♪

CAPTCHAgirls are digital entities that live in the recesses of your computer and the web. They each have a unique trait that stems from where they choose to emerge, and powers that remain confined to cyberspace. Research is still being conducted on this curious new species, but some say they are the remnants of dreams to make technology fun and full of life again.

This website is to keep a log of all CAPTCHAgirl discoveries, as well as experimentation on how they interact with humans. So far results have been positive! ❤︎

Please explore my research and interact with them as much as you would like, they are all excited to meet you! Our mission at Pandaland Labs is to make all things interwebs and tech fun and full of personality once more! ^_^

Check out process log in sidebar to see how're they're made!

Fellow Researchers